Section on Ethnic Minority Affairs (SEMA)

Our Vision:

IPA’s Section on Ethnic Minority Affairs (SEMA) will be a space where the unique needs, lived experiences and expertise of ethnic minorities of color are honored, valued and respected. SEMA is an open and inclusive space. Our membership will include psychologists and graduate students who are active, well-informed and passionate about improving the overall health and wellness of people of color in Illinois, nationally and globally.

Our Purpose:

1. To promote scientific understanding of the roles of race, culture and ethnicity in psychology.
2. To educate psychologists and students of all backgrounds about the psychological needs and
experiences of ethnic minorities of color.
3. To support the Illinois Psychological Association (IPA) in its efforts toward diversity,
equity, and inclusion.
4. To support IPA in its efforts to recruit, retain and meaningfully engage psychologists and
students of color.
5. To advocate for the perspectives and values of psychologists and students of color to IPA’s
Executive Committee and Council of Representatives.
6. To maintain mutually supportive and beneficial relationships with other groups of psychologists
of color and their professional organizations.
7. To assist IPA’s Executive Committee and Council of Representatives in maintaining
communications related to people of color with the association’s membership as well as the
community at large.
8. To encourage collection and dissemination of information relevant to students and psychologists
of color.
9. To support IPA in its efforts to advance the practice of psychology.
10. To model collaboration and inclusivity in all of our endeavors.
11. To acknowledge and honor the wisdom and experience of our ancestors, mentors, teachers,advocates and pioneer psychologists of color.

If our vision and purpose resonate with you, please join us! You may join our section as you submit or renew your IPA membership. If you have any questions about the process, please contact our Executive Director, Marsha Karey at 312-372-7610 x201 or

If you would like to learn more about Section on Ethnic Minority Affairs, please contact the current Section chair, Dr. Erin Alexander at