Karla Steingraber, Psy.D.

ECP Past Chair

Karla Steingraber

Karla Steingraber, Psy.D., a graduate of the George Washington University Clinical Psychology program, is in private practice with Aprioris Psychological Health Services, P.C. In her offices in Northbrook and Park Ridge she works with people of all ages from a psychodynamic perspective while also using behavioral techniques. She specializes in the treatment LGBTQ children and adults as well as those with a traumatic brain injury. Her current initiatives for the ECP section include the Mentorship Program networking opportunities for ECPs across the entire state of Illinois.

Michelle Krucek, Psy.D.

ECP Associate Chair

Michelle Krucek

Michelle Krucek, Psy.D., is a partner at Insightful Solutions. P.C. located in Orland Park. She works from a Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) framework that incorporates aspects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Dr. Krucek works primarily with individuals struggling with issues related to finding a balance between their school, professional and personal life as well as clients managing a wide variety of mood disorders. She is also committed to providing LGBTQ affirming therapy for individuals managing sexual orientation and gender identity concerns. Dr. Krucek received her Psy.D. from The Illinois School of Professional Psychology in 2009.

Shanta Kanukollu Ph.D.

ECP Secretary

Shanta Kanukollu

A graduate of the Clinical Psychology and Women’s Studies program at the University of Michigan, Shanta currently works as a Staff Psychologist at the 19th Judicial Circuit Court in the Specialty Court programs. Specifically, Shanta provides individual and group therapy for adults in the Drug Court, Mental Health Court and Veterans Court programs, providing trauma-informed services. Shanta is also an adjunct lecturer at Northwestern University and loves teaching courses related to diversity and multicultural psychology. Shanta’s clinical and research interests include women’s health, trauma, gender violence and the impact of immigration on mental health. She looks forward to meeting more psychologists in the Chicago area.

Jacqueline Cesaroni, Psy.D.

ECP Past Member-at-Large

Jacqueline Cesaroni

Dr. Cesaroni is completing her post-doctoral fellowship at New Connections Academy while preparing for the EPPP and servicing individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder using in-home therapeutic interventions based on Social Thinking. Her main areas of interest include working with individuals, families, or groups that are affected by ASD, mood disorders, and/or substance abuse in an outpatient setting. Through her involvement with the ECP Section she hopes to enhance the connectivity among the professionals of our growing field. She aims to utilize the section as a foundation to integrate our diverse backgrounds of knowledge and experience amongst future generations of clinical psychologists.

Psychology in the Workplace Network (PWN)

The APA Psychology in the Workplace Network (PWN) is a grassroots network of psychologists comprised of more than 50 representatives from state, provincial and territorial psychological associations and some APA divisions. Alan Graham, PhD is our Illinois representative to the PWN and leads the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program committee within the Consulting Section of IPA.

The APA PWN works to strategically position psychology in a leadership role within the marketplace by developing strong collaborative relationships with the business and employer community and educating them about the roles and value of psychology in the workplace. One of the ways that the PWN representatives fulfill this mission is to lead the local Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program (PHWP) award programs in their respective jurisdictions and contribute to APA’s PHWP efforts.

The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards (PHWA)
The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards (PHWA) are designed to recognize organizations for their efforts to foster employee health and well-being while enhancing organizational performance and productivity.

The annual awards cycle in Illinois begins in late January when nominations are opened for companies in Illinois. If a company would like to apply for the award, they can register at www.phwa.org and get their application started. The application process includes the completion of an organizational practices questionnaire; an employee questionnaire that must be completed by at least 10% of the workforce; and a site visit.

What Makes a Psychologically Healthy Workplace?
Psychologically healthy workplace practices can be grouped into five categories:

• Employee involvement
• Work-life balance
• Employee growth & development
• Health & safety
• Employee recognition

It is important to note that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to creating a psychologically healthy workplace. Success is based, in part, on addressing the challenges unique to each particular organization and tailoring programs and policies to meet the organization’s needs.

Communication also plays a key role in the success of any workplace program or policy and serves as the foundation for all five types of psychologically healthy workplace practices.

APA has created a database of articles; podcasts; newsletters; and social media outlets that are available on the www.phwa.org website. APA also sponsors Work and Well-Being Conferences around the country. The 2011 and 2012 conferences were held in Chicago and APA expects to hold another conference in Chicago in 2013.

If you would like to get involved or just know more about the PWN and/or the PHWP, contact Alan Graham, PhD at agraham@acp10.com.

Benefits of IPA Membership

By joining The Illinois Psychological Association, you join one of the premier state psychological associations and connect with a vibrant, professional network! Join Today!

Communication, Referral and Information Benefits:
Member only section of website:
membership directory, referrals, resources, articles and practice support.

Listserv Membership:
Very active listserv includes referrals, resources, frequent discussion of pertinent professional issues.

Healthcare Reimbursement Assistance:
Committee solely focused on reimbursement issues

Advocacy and Legislative Power; IPA Works for You:
IPA federal advocate represents you on pertinent issues in Washington.

IPA state advocates represent you on pertinent issues in Illinois.

Easy communication with your federal legislators and grassroots support.

Engaged active membership supports your interests on key legislative issues.

Practice Management, Ethics and Continuing Education Benefits:
Free ethics consultations and best practice tips.

Member discount at selected vendors for office supplies.

Support regarding parity in reimbursement.

Significant discounts on all IPA sponsored continuing education opportunities, including Annual IPA Convention.

Benefits for Students and Early Career Psychologists
Students can join The Illinois Psychological Association of Graduate Students (IPAGS).

Special workshops geared towards early career psychologists and students in transition through licensure to professional practice.

Advocacy, legislative influence, protecting licensure, ethical consultations, practice management workshops, navigating mandated continuing education requirements, quarterly newsletter, active listserv for questions and referrals, resources and more, member only section of website includes referral network, significant discounts on IPA CE workshops and Annual IPA convention, healthcare reimbursement information, active graduate student section and ECP mentoring.

Benefits for New Members

IPA Connects You!
Congratulations! Your membership application for the Illinois Psychological Association has been approved. We are delighted to have your membership. You’ve made the essential professional step of membership in a a state psychological association. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the IPA at 312-372-7610 x201 or ipamanager@aol.com.

Get Involved: Join a Section of IPA!
– Academic Section
– Clinical Section
– Consulting Section
– ECP Section
– Health and Rehab Section
– IPAGS Section
– Sexual Orientation Issues Section
– Social Responsibility Section
– Women’s Issues Section

Listserv Membership:
As a new member of IPA, you will automatically be added to the listserv. You should receive an email welcoming you to this vibrant community of IPA members. The listserv will keep you alerted to IPA events, position openings, referrals, resources, and general news, items of interest to psychologists and psychology students in Illinois and nationally. If you haven’t received your welcome email, don’t hesitate to email the Executive Director at ipaexec@aol.com to begin taking advantage of this significant member benefit.

Members Only Website Area
To immediately begin taking advantage of all the IPA website has to offer, take a look around our website. Get to know your IPA officers; they are available to you by phone or email. If you have an y difficulty accessing your account, contact the IPA office manager at: ipamanager@aol.com.

Graduate Students & Early Career Psychologists: You are the future.
Join the ECP Section to benefit from the ECP listserv for referrals, practice questions; insurance questions and lively ECP only listserv!

Special Workshops geared toward Early Career Psychologists.

As a student member of IPA, your membership with IPAGS is automatic. As a member of IPAGS you can get involved, get active with the profession, get mentored and get in the know!