Legislative Update

Excerpted from Winter 2014 Illinois Psychologist

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Waiting to Exhale…

Excerpted from Winter 2014 Illinois Pschologist

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Military Psychology Section

The Military Psychology Section is aimed towards the field of psychology working with the United States Military, Veterans, the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This section focuses on a variety of military psychological issues and current related activities that take place in Illinois. The section helps by assisting in educating civilian, enlisted and commissioned officer psychologists through advocacy, education, holding workshops, working collaboratively with other local military associations and organizations, policy and legislation, and providing IPA presence at military/veteran conventions in Illinois.

Membership of the Military Section is open to all members of IPA including student members and leaders.

American Psychological Association Help Center

Psychotherapy Works

Research shows psychotherapy is effective in treating depression, anxiety and behavioral health issues. It can help people make positive changes in their lives and relationships and develop skills to manage life’s challenges and be healthy.

Vist the APA Help Center

Featured Tools:

Psychotherapy: Friends Helping Friends (video)

Protecting Your Privacy

Psychotherapy: Understanding Group Therapy

How To Help In An Emotional Crisis

Understanding Psychological Testing and Assessment