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Practice Updates on Reimbursement & Health Care Reform
From the Illinois Psychologist - Spring 2014
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What does ‘clear and present danger’ mean?
From the Illinois Psychologist - Spring 2014
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The Illinois Psychologist
Winter 2014, Vol. XLII No. 3
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Legislative Update
Excerpted from Winter 2014 Illinois Psychologist
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Waiting to Exhale…
Excerpted from Winter 2014 Illinois Pschologist
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Delivering the Goods: Marketing Psychotherapy at the Dawn of the ACO
Excerpted from Winter 2014 Illinois Psychologist
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The Illinois Psychologist
Fall 2013, Vol. XLII No. 2
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The Illinois Psychologist
Summer 2013, Vol. XLII No.1
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The Illinois Psychologist
Vol. XLI, No. 3
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