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Wouldn’t it Be Better If Your Psychologist Could Prescribe?

Therapy and medicine are effective.
For many conditions research shows that a coordinated combination of psychological treatment and medicine is the best way to achieve lasting improvement. Prescribing Psychologists provide such treatment.
Prescribing Psychologists are well trained.
Psychologists are the most highly trained mental health professionals. They average more than seven years of doctoral training in the assessment and treatment of emotional and behavioral disorders.
Prescribing Psychologists have completed an additional postdoctoral certification in clinical psychopharmacology. They are highly qualified to manage psychological and physical aspects of care.
We need and appreciate your help.
Legislators need to hear from you. We will help you contact your state senator and representative to convey your support for prescriptive authority for specially trained Prescribing Psychologists.
Prescription for progress
Prescribing Psychologists in Illinois would be able to prescribe mental health medication such as antidepressants and medicine for anxiety under the bill to be introduced in the next session of the Illinois legislature. They would be authorized to prescribe only mental health medication and not general medication such as antibiotics or cardiac medicines.
This progressive legislation will increase access to comprehensive and cost–effective mental health care, especially in the underserved rural and inner–city areas of Illinois. Want more information?
Want more information?
Call the Illinois Psychological Association at 312–372–7610 or read the other information in the Prescribing Psychologists section of the IPA website if you are interested in this proposed improvement for Illinois citizens.