About the Section:
Programmatic goals include the following:
1. Support of more collaborative programs and discourse within IPA regarding the interface of academic and practicing psychologists.
2. Furtherance of dialogue and dissemination of information about changes in training and licensure requirements for psychologists at the state and national levels. This includes movement to change the number of practicum hours required to qualify for predoctoral internships, proposals at the national level to eliminate the post-doctoral training year requirement for licensure in all states, proposals to offer a transitional/temporary license in IL to post-docs which would allow for billing and reimbursement of services (a movement I will actively support) and APA’s prioritization of a shift of licensure title from Clinical Psychologist to Health Service Psychologist within the broader focus on Integrative Health Care.
3. Promotion of best practices in facilitating difficult but constructive dialogues regarding multicultural diversity in the classroom and on campuses.
4. Advocacy for enhanced funding for IL colleges and universities, specifically with regard to scientific research.
5. Collaboration with IPAGS (IPA Graduate Students) and ECPs (Early Career Psychologists) to facilitate entry into the profession.
6. Promotion of excellence and innovation in teaching methods
If our vision and purpose resonate with you, please join us! You may join our section as you submit or renew your IPA membership. If you have any questions about the process, please contact our Executive Director, Marsha Karey at 312-372-7610 x201 or mkarey@illinoispsychology.org