Sponsor – Advertise

In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the convention will be held online via live webinars.
Psychologists are interested in products for their practice, but they are also academics and business owners. They want to know about health, life, and liability insurance, billing, legal services, psychological test material, office supplies, computer products, books, office space, inpatient hospital and outpatient treatment programs, and investment information (and this is not an exhaustive list). This will be an excellent opportunity for you to showcase any online services or products you have. Please consider promoting your organization and products with us virtually!
Click below to download the sponsorship opportunities form along with information on advertising in our convention brochure. Ads in the convention brochure will be hyperlinked to your website. The convention brochure is emailed to IPA members and as well as 4,000 psychologists throughout the state.
Please complete and return the attached form at your earliest convenience.
Ads are need by August 21st. You can send logo and links later, however if you are premium level sponsor your logo will appear on the IPA website homepage within days of receipt. There is a limited number of spaces for ads on the convention registration landing page. These will be accepted on a first come base.
If you have been an exhibitor, advertiser, or sponsor in the past, we hope you will consider participating again this year. If you have not been a participant in the past, we thank you for your consideration. Do not hesitate to contact Marsha Karey, IPA Executive Director mkarey@illinoispsychology.org or call our office (312-372-7610 x201) if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your support. Stay safe and well.
Marsha Karey
IPA Executive Director