Social Responsibility Section

Section goals include the promotion of social responsibility for civil and human rights and the values of justice, peace, and the public interest within the science, profession, education, and training of psychology; the recognition of exemplary achievements of social responsibility in the field; and the maintenance within IPA of a focus and forum in which the relevance of social responsibility for all areas of psychological endeavor can be advanced.

Download the IPA’s Social Responsibilities Statement

Recent Campaigns


Letter from the Chairs

Our profession must accept the social responsibility to actively engage in advocacy for social justice in the pursuit of fostering mental health and well-being for all human beings. Psychology, as a discipline, is uniquely positioned to contribute to the dismantling of systemic inequalities that negatively impact the mental health of individuals and communities.

Our role extends beyond the confines of therapeutic sessions; we are advocates for the marginalized, catalysts for change, and champions of inclusivity. Research consistently demonstrates the profound impact of socioeconomic disparities, discrimination, and prejudice on emotional well-being. As stewards promoting the well-being of society, we must use our expertise to highlight these issues and work towards their resolution.

Advocating for social justice aligns with the ethical principles of our profession, emphasizing the importance of respect for dignity and promoting the welfare of individuals. By actively engaging in conversations, research, and interventions that address social injustices, we contribute to the broader narrative of building a psychologically healthier world.

Let us unite in our commitment to understand the complexities of the human psyche and advocate for a more just and equitable society. Through our collective efforts, we can inspire positive change, fostering mental well-being for generations.

The Illinois Psychological Association Social Responsibility Section encourages sustained and deepening “ARC”, Awareness building; Relationship equality, and Commitment to real sustained change in deconstructing systemic oppression and constructing social justice. 

What follows is our most updated listing of resources for deconstructing implicit biases and unpacking privilege to move into a stance of social responsibility. This resource guide focuses on broadening and deepening awareness of the ongoing systemic oppression affecting many groups across the country.

We recommend the 23-minute VIDEO entitled "Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo" where she illustrates the pillars that prop-up White Privilege and White Fragility.  This is a good summary of her best-seller, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism (2018). To us one of her important contributions is to diminish the progress-stopping power of guilt and shame in telling what the dominate White Culture did and what systems evolved.  The systems need focus and change. White people can be BOTH Proud of building a great country, government, economy, etc. AND be truthful about mistakes which still endure BUT can be corrected. Unhealthy guilt stops progress, a dose appropriate mix of pride and guilt is a great target for constructive accurate diagnosis and healing. 

“Responsible” does mean taking action for mistakes of commission and omission. Getting to Responsible rather than shame and guilt leads to action for improvement. Being responsible is a good way to live and grow in general, not just with Racism.

Dr. Robin DiAngelo has written a short update book to White Fragility in 2021, Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm. This book carefully illuminates the more subtle forms of racism that other white people do not identify as explicit racism. She picks up after the quote from Martin Luther King Jr. in his 1963 Letter From a Birmingham Jail:

*NOTE the 1963 language & PLEASE DO substitute the word “equity” for the work “freedom” because some laws have changed since 1962 but not living reality.

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s  freedom …. Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

Several Workbooks focused on helping Privileged Americans increase their awareness of systemic racism have come to our attention.  The idea is that Systemic Racism is so pervasive that it is difficult to see until you are able to take perspective, it just seems to be the way US Culture rolls. We highlight some of those books here: 

Ijeoma Oluo’s illustrative autobiographical book, “So You Want to Talk about Race” (2019)

For me, Bruce Johnson Bonecutter, I recommend Ijeoma Oluo’s illustrative autobiographical book, “So you want to talk about race”, 2019 if you wish a well written biographical walk through key anti-racist topics. Ijeoma tells a real-life story extremely well using her experiences and considerable skill.  She is a great story-teller and this book engaged me heart, mind and soul.  Oh, she does occasionally use emotional language.  The Chapter headings are:

- Preface

     - introduction: So you want to talk about race?

     - one: Is it really about race?

     - two: What is racism?

     - three: What if I talk about race wrong?

     - four: Why am I always being told to “check my privilege”?

     - five: What is intersectionality and why do I need it?

     - six: Is police brutality really about race?

     - seven: How can I talk about affirmative action?

     - eight: What is the school to prison pipe-line?

     - nine: Why can’t I say the “N” word?

     - ten: What is cultural appropriation?

     - eleven: Why can’t I touch your hair?

     - twelve: What are micro-aggressions?

     - thirteen: Why are our students so angry?

     - fourteen: What is the model minority myth?

     - fifteen: But what if I hate Al Sharpton?

     - sixteen: I just got called a racist, what do I do now?

     - seventeen: Talking is great, but what else can I do?

- Acknowledgements

- Notes

- A Discussion Guide

Layla F. Saad's workbook "Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor

Also for me, Bruce Johnson Bonecutter, one difficult step in being more aware of how White Privilege and Racism permeates my mind, body, soul, and environment was to do the hard and at times hidden prejudice uncovering work of reading, journaling, discussing it with my book group Layla F. Saad's workbook (29 readings and journaling exercises), " me and white supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor" (2020).  This Workbook is more like an exercise akin to physical fitness “boot-camp”. The Contents list may help readers take a look at this workbook for themselves and their support/book-group:

Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor


FORWARD by Robin DiAngelo

PART I: Welcome to the WORK

A Little about Me

What is White Supremacy?

Who is This WORK for?

What You Will Need to Do This Work

How to Use This Book

Self-Care, Support, and Sustainability


Week 1: The Basics

Week 2: Anti-Blackness, Racial Stereotypes, and Cultural Appropriation

Week 3: Allyship

Week 4: Power, Relationships, and Commitments

Now What? Continuing the WORK after Day 28

APPENDIX:  Working in Groups: Me and White Supremacy - Book Circles



Further Learning

NOTE: each of the "Weeks" has 7 readings and journal exercises, such as Week 1, day 3 "You and Tone Policing" or Week 2 day 9 "You and Anti-Blackness Against Black Women"; day 10 "You and Anti-Blackness Against Black Men"; day 11, "You and Anti-Blackness Against Black Children" and samples from Week 3: day 18 "You and White Saviorism", day 19, "You and Optical Allyship"; Week 4 samples: day 23 "You and White Leaders"; day 24, "You and Your Friends", day 27, "You and Losing Privilege".

Both books are challenging and may be uncomfortable for privileged, especially White privileged people to read, but the goal is step-wise awareness and the deconstructing of all forms of racism, which is so needed in achieving the dream of “liberty and justice for all”.

If a business and economic research based analysis of the need for both White and BIPOC to find a way to more fully establish equity, then Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together" is my recommendation. In addition to the YouTube Talks by/with Heather McGhee that help get our heads around the history, economics and people-stories from her structured interview-research illustrated sections in " The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together" (2021) (289 pages plus lengthy documentation appendices).  There is also a very succinct and simple-not-stupid "Study Guide to "The Sum of Us" (published by "Super Summary") written by Heather McGhee (2021) - only 73 Pages.  Heather really wants people to understand what has happened and how we really can do much better! That should inspire all of us to honor the original motto of the USA: "E. Pluribus Unum" - “Out of Many People One”.

The Sum of Us Table of Contents gives you a sense of the structure: 


Chapter   1: An Old Story: The Zero-Sum Hierarchy

Chapter   2: Racism Drained the Pool

Chapter   3: Going Without

Chapter   4: Ignoring the Canary

Chapter   5: No One fights Alone

Chapter   6: Never a Real Democracy

Chapter   7: Living Apart

Chapter   8: The Same Sky

Chapter   9: The Hidden Wound

Chapter 10: The Solidarity Dividend



List of Interviews


As an additional choice, Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., Director of the Privilege Institute and of The National White Privilege Conference, created a 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge designed to address issues of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression and equity.  Drs. Bonecutter and Houston recommend this program for those who might prefer an online, mixed media presentation that includes podcasts and videos in addition to readings and journaling activities. Dr. Moore offers a plethora of resources, which are well organized and easily accessed by provided links to online documents and a tracking component for self-monitoring. The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge may be used in the 21-day format, in sections for focused exploration, or for organization/community group application. 

About the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge- 

For 21 days, you do one action to further your understanding of White privilege and White supremacy in ways that are adaptable to all forms of social justice.


- Read

- Listen

- Watch

- Notice

- Connect

- Engage

- Act

- Reflect

- Stay Inspired

- Tracking Chart

*Note: each category contains numerous resources to choose from each with a summary of its contents.

Recommended Resources – includes articles, books, TED talks, films, videos, blogs, podcasts, websites, conferences and assessments (i.e. Anti-Defamation League’s Anti-Bias Behavior and Harvard University’s Project Implicit Test).

21-Day Community Adapters- examples of how communities are adapting the challenge to address their social justice needs.

For me, Holly O. Houston, Ph.D., it is vitally important that my non-BIPOC colleagues recognize the importance of an enduring effort in dismantling racism at its core - first inside of us (yes, as a woman of color, I include myself as all of us in American society have been exposed to the explicit and implicit impact of white supremacy) and then applied to practice, policy, and institutions. Too often, after the publicity and social momentum of racial equity wanes, so does individual effort. We must take advantage of the current anti-racism energy and be prepared to continue to nourish it. The aforementioned resources and the ones below provide information to facilitate and nurture the on-going, life-long process of deconstructing systemic racism and constructing racial justice. A sustained and deepening “ARC”, Awareness building; Relationship equality and Commitment to anti-racism, requires a dedication to education, deep self-reflection and integrated application. 

If hearing from an original-nation historian and immigrant historian about how the “Doctrine of Discovery” greatly increased the creating a Caste System with Europeans on top, then, since, you cannot discover lands already inhabited, injustice has plagued American society for centuries. And we cannot move toward being a more just nation without understanding the root causes that have shaped our culture and institutions. In a blend of history, theology, and cultural commentary, Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah reveal the far-reaching, and enduring effects of the "Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery." They highlight how in the fifteenth century, official church edicts gave Christian-European explorers the right to claim territories they "discovered." This was institutionalized as an implicit national framework that justifies American triumphalism, white supremacy, and ongoing injustices. The result is that the dominant culture idealizes a history of discovery, opportunity, expansion, and equality, while minority communities have been traumatized by colonization, slavery, segregation, and dehumanization. Healing begins when deeply entrenched beliefs are unsettled. Charles and Rah aim to recover a common memory and shared understanding of where we have been and where we are going. As other nations have instituted truth and reconciliation commissions, so do the authors call our nation and churches to a truth-telling that will expose past injustices and open the door to conciliation and true community.

The history and interconnections between the Hindu Caste System, the German Nazi Caste System and USA Race/Caste System are analyzed with lessons to learn in deconstructing Caste Systems while building equity for all in Isabel Wilkerson’s 2020 best-seller, “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents”. The seven parts of this book are:

Part One: Toxins in the Permafrost and Heat Rising All Around (thawing out historical practices to see their ongoing effects)

Part Two: The Arbitrary Construction of Human Division

Part Three: The Eight Pillars of Caste

Part Four: The Tentacles of Caste

Part Five: The Consequences of Caste

Part Six: Backlash

Part Seven: Awakening

The Social Responsibility Section has included many books below on various topics of social justice and responsibility. Choose the one that may suit your style and fit with your established support/discussion group.  Of course, you could read and process the discussion guides to each of these books!


Books, Websites, and other Resources for Further Learning and Growth



Holiday Books for Children:

Volunteering and Resources:

  • APA’s Apology and Addressing Racism Page
    • “On October 29, 2021, the APA Council of Representatives passed three resolutions which include acknowledging and apologizing for APA’s role in promoting and perpetuating racism and racial discrimination in the U.S.; the role of psychology and APA in dismantling systemic racism in the U.S.; and advancing health equity in psychology.”


  • Be a Super Ally with the 5 D’s:  Empowering Children Against Hate/Bullying
    • Hollaback! has joined forces with Asian Americans Advancing Justice| AAJC and Woori Show, an online educational video series for children that celebrates the Korean-American experience, to create effective and thoughtful materials to educate young audiences about the importance of being an ally when witnessing bullying or racism.


  • Community Mental Health Journal
    • Community Mental Health Journal is devoted to the evaluation and improvement of public sector mental health services for people affected by severe mental disorders, serious emotional disturbances and/or addictions.



    1. First thing you must do is Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
    2. People, especially those who can afford it, can use hybrid cars
    3. Eat low on the food chain
    4. Use air conditioning and use less heat
    5. Reduce, recycle, and reuse
    6. Buy energy-efficient products
    7. Drive smart and less
    8. Take care of your car
    9. Avoid air travel as much as possible
    10. Plant a tree
    11. Grow on your own
    12. Water should be used sparingly
    13. Use less hot water
    14. Avoid products with excessive packaging 
    15. Buy green electricity
    16. More teleconference and telecommunication
    17. One can replace the light bulbs
    18. Dry the clothes by hanging them on the line
    19. People can use non-toxic household products 
    20. Often use the “off” switch
    21. Choose organic foods that are in season and go local 
    22. Don’t buy fast fashion
    23. Buy less stuff!
    24. People should learn to conserve
    25. Vote thoughtfully


Articles from SRS-IPA Archives 2021-2022

Article Title Article Author Date of Article Description of Article
The Gospel Belongs to the ‘Heathen,’ Not White Saviors Yanan Rahim Melo 10/12/2022 Kathryn Gin Lum’s Heathen: Religion and Race in American History evoked feelings of a past that continues to haunt me. I grew up in the “mission field” of the southern Philippines, surrounded by white Americans who dedicated their lives to missions and charity work.
Opinion: Who is at fault for America’s soaring gun violence? Experts weigh in CNN 10/13/2022 Concerns about violent crime and guns remain top of mind for American voters, polls show time and again. These issues certainly stick with Kathy Pisabaj, of Chicago, who was 19 in 2018 when she was shot by a stranger and nearly died.
It’s one of the most radical and prophetic speeches in American history. And hardly anyone knows about it John Blake, CNN 10/11/2022 When people talk today about Frederick Douglass’ speaking prowess, they often cite his defiant “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” address. But he gave another speech that deserves wider recognition because Douglass spoke with uncanny precision about the kind of debates we’re having now about race, immigration, and what makes America exceptional.
Can Christianity and Indigenous Worldviews Ever Be Reconciled? Patty Krawec October 2022 We all moved. We moved across oceans and land. But there is a profound difference between moving and being moved. Between being welcomed and being used.
Indigenous Peoples' Day – October 10, 2022 National Today continuously updated Indigenous Peoples’ Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October, on October 10 this year, to honor the cultures and histories of the Native American people. The day is centered around reflecting on their tribal roots and the tragic stories that hurt but strengthened their communities.
United Methodists’ Native American International Caucus Calls for End to Columbus Day Emily McFarlan Miller, RNS 10/5/2022 The Native American International Caucus, which advocates for Native Americans both inside and outside of the United Methodist Church, is calling on lawmakers to get rid of Columbus Day. To replace the federal holiday, which this year falls on Oct. 10, the caucus is asking Congress to approve several bills formalizing Indigenous Peoples Day as a legal public holiday, according to a statement from the caucus posted on it website Tuesday (Oct. 4).
Disability: Part of the Equity Equation US Department of Labor continuously updated Observed annually in October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices.
What Is Yom Kippur? Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center continuously updated Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year, when we are closest to G‑d and to the essence of our souls. Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement,” as the verse states, “For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d.”1
U.S. Congress reaches a milestone in Indigenous representation Jaclyn Diaz 9/20/2022 Rep. Mary Peltola's election to the U.S. House of Representatives made history in several ways. With her recent swearing-in, it became official for the first time in more than 230 years: A Native American, an Alaska Native and a Native Hawaiian are all members of the House — fully representing the United States' Indigenous people for the first time, according to Rep. Kaiali'i Kahele of Hawaii. Now, there are six Indigenous Americans who are representatives in the House.
About National Hispanic Heritage Month 9/15/2022 Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
What Does ‘White Christian Nationalism’ Even Mean, Anyway? Mitchell Atencio 9/8/2022 After the Jan. 6 insurrection, many wanted to understand how signs declaring “Jesus Saves” mixed with gallows and chants of “hang Mike Pence!” The answer, according to some sociologists and political analysts, was Christian nationalism.
UN Report: US fails to implement terms of treaty on eliminating racial discrimination Southern Poverty Law Center 9/9/2022 A United Nations committee that is reviewing U.S. compliance with an international treaty on racial discrimination has issued findings that should be seen as a serious rebuke and wakeup call for the Biden administration.
There are barely any Muslims on popular TV series, a new study says Anastasia Tsioulcas 9/7/2022 Muslims make up 25% of the global population and Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world — but Muslims only comprise 1% of characters shown on popular televisions series in the U.S., the U.K., Australia and New Zealand.
Sunday Musings: A Pro-Choice God Diana Butler Bass 9/4/2022 Today’s lectionary texts include four interesting passages. Usually Sunday Musings explores only one text. But today I want to draw one theme — choice — from the four readings.
‘Rings of Power’ Is a Tolkien Tale of the Corruption of Goodness JR. Forasteros 9/2/2022 The corruption of goodness is not an unfamiliar theme in The Lord of the Rings. Young Galadriel’s plight introduces what may be the first season’s central concern: How do we recognize evil in the world?
A Summer of Climate Disasters German Lopez 9/7/2022 Heat waves in the U.S., wildfires in Europe, floods in Asia: This summer has shown how the climate crisis has made extreme weather a part of everyday life.
Online search algorithms reflect – and perpetuate – gender bias Emily Reynolds 8/25/2022 The problem of bias in artificial intelligence (AI) is of growing concern. Algorithms have, for example, wrongly classified the faces of Black women when detecting gender; wrongly predicted that a Black defendant will reoffend twice as often as wrongly predicting that a White defendant will reoffend; and shown far more men than women on Google image searches for the term “CEO”. This last study even found that biased image searches can actually shape people’s beliefs about the number of men and women who hold particular occupations.
Bringing the Culture War to the Pulpit Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood 8/30/2022 I believe that the Bible and the Constitution do not have to contradict so long as the Constitution is seen as being breathed out of the words of the Bible by our founding fathers. And the only way that the Bible and the Constitution would ever contradict is when we interpret the Constitution through the current cultural lens of compromise, capitulation, and buckle to the sins and sexual wickedness of the people. Yes, you’ve walked into one of those churches
Enforce the Gun Laws We Already Have Kevin D. Williamson 6/6/2022 This article emphasizes the case for actually funding and enforcing the gun laws we currently have
Cook County juvenile jail is locking kids, teens in their cells for most of the day, scathing review finds Jonah Newman 8/24/2022 In a scathing report, a group of juvenile justice experts says the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center — a five-story fortress on the West Side with courtrooms and a public school that houses as many as 175 youths — should be permanently shut down and replaced with smaller, community-based facilities focused on rehabilitation.
AP-NORC poll: Most in US say they want stricter gun laws Sara Burnett 8/22/2022 Most U.S. adults want to see gun laws made stricter and think gun violence is increasing nationwide, according to a new poll that finds broad public support for a variety of gun restrictions, including many that are supported by majorities of Republicans and gun owners.
Why do right-wing NRA pro-gun 'conservatives" believe they should be able to "Open Carry" their guns in public, thus making themselves self-appointed police with authority over the rest of Americans? The way Kyle Rittenhouse did at a BLM protest? William Connell Cawthorn, Jr. 08/11/2022 Why was Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted? Because the jury ruled his actions were justifiable self-defense, based on the evidence presented and Wisconsin state law. Even one of the witnesses for the prosecution confirmed Rittenhouse’s account of the incident.
Hundreds of Jan. 6 Cases Ian Prasad Philbrick 08/21/2022 Nineteen months after the Jan. 6 attack, hundreds of criminal cases that stem from it are playing out in court. They have been getting less attention than the Justice Department’s scrutiny of Donald Trump, but my colleague Alan Feuer has spent hours and hours watching these trials. This morning, he offers you a glimpse of them.
How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes Shruti Rajkumar 8/8/2022 Disability can be difficult to talk about sensitively because of how embedded ableism is in our language, biases and perceptions of disability. Conversations about disability are slowly increasing, especially when it comes to ableist language and how disabled people are represented in the media.
What the Curious History of 'Judeo-Christian’ can Teach us about Defeating White Christian Nationalism Today Eboo Patel and Robert P. Jones 7/20/2022 The hearings conducted by the House Select Committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol have highlighted the powerful role that white Christian nationalism played in the attack on the Capitol. The Congressional Committee featured Trump ally Roger Stone firing up a crowd of pro-Trump protestors the day before the insurrection with this statement: “This is nothing less than an epic struggle for the future of our country. Between dark and light. Between the godly and the godless, between good and evil, and we will win this fight or America will step off into years of darkness.”
Everyday Violence German Lopez and Ashley Wu 7/8/2022 These everyday killings received far less attention than the mass murder at the parade. But they are the standard for American gun violence: More than 95 percent of gun homicides this year have been shootings with one to three victims.
7 persistent claims about abortion, fact-checked Jaclyn Diaz, Koko Nakajima, and Ben Underwood 6/24/2022 Since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision ruled that women have a constitutional right to end their pregnancies, proponents and opponents of abortion rights have worked to own the conversation over the issue.
30 Great LGBTQIA+ Books for Kids and Teens Denise Schipani 6/1/2022 There was a time when LGBTQIA+ parents and children had a hard time finding their family’s faces and feelings in the pages of children’s and young adult books. No more. Ever since Heather Has Two Mommies appeared on shelves in 1989, more books, geared to everyone from the youngest tots to questioning tweens and teens (not to mention to their parents), are filling the gap and helping families grow in understanding.
Pride Month: How It Started and How to Celebrate Mona Khalifeh 6/1/2022 Taking place every June, Pride Month celebrates the self-affirmation, dignity, equality and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The month-long celebration was given the name "Pride" to encourage those feelings as the community comes together to celebrate and bolster LGBTQ+ rights movements. As people rally together, ET has put together a guide to all things Pride, including a brief history, how to celebrate and support.
Know Your Rights - Reproductive Health Care for Youth in Illinois ACLU continuously updated If you are under 18 you have the right to make many decisions about your own reproductive health in Illinois. Find more information and resources below.
We look at why economic inequality began soaring in the U.S. four decades ago. David Leonhardt 6/5/2022 a brief and clear presentation on why working and middle-class families in the USA are so drained from increased work-hours as a result of non-livable wages in full-time work that they cannot spend energy and time with their children and community
LGBTQ+ PEOPLE & ROE V. WADE Human Rights Campaign 6/10/2022 Women, transgender men, and nonbinary people are under attack right now
HRC Explains Gender-Affirming Care Human Rights Campaign [youtube video] What is gender-affirming care? We break down what it is, what it’s not and why it’s life-saving.
The Juneteenth flag features 3 important symbols. Here's what they mean, according to the flag's creator. Marielle Descalsota 6/19/2022 The Juneteenth flag — a banner with a bursting star — is being flown across the US on June 19, a celebration to commemorate Black emancipation and the freeing of 250,000 enslaved people in Texas. Hannah Bowman 6/6/2022 The shooting at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Ill., as well as mass shootings earlier this summer in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas, raise questions about how Christians should respond to gun violence. For many people, including Christians, the answer is legislation — the hope of getting Congress to pass laws that would restrict ownership of guns.
On gun violence, the United States is an outlier Heathline 5/31/2022 Among 64 high-income countries and territories, the United States stands out for its high levels of gun violence. The US ranks eighth out of 64 for homicides by firearm (age-adjusted).
22 Books to Read During AAPI Heritage Month, Recommended by AAPI Writers Sanibel Chai 5/11/2022 To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we asked AAPI writers to share the books (some of them award-winning) that have moved, inspired, and astonished them.
Poll: Black Americans fear more racist attacks after Buffalo shooting Silvia Foster-Frau 5/21/2022 Two years after George Floyd’s murder, nearly 8 in 10 Black Americans say there has been little or no improvement in how police treat Black people, according to a Washington Post-Ipsos poll
About That Bible Verse You See on Anti-Abortion Signs Katherine Pater 5/24/2022 Earlier this year, I preached on Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Anti-abortion protestors, including Christians, have long offered this verse as part of their “pro-life” arguments: they tweet it, use it as a proof text, and use it to sell mugs and T-shirts.
What is and isn’t allowed by Illinois’ gun laws Patrick Smith, Courtney Kueppers 5/25/2022 Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Buyers here are required to undergo a background check and get a permit in order to purchase firearms.
Prejudice among Trump supporters increased after he became president Emily Reynolds 4/29/2022 Whether or not Donald Trump’s presidency actively increased prejudice or simply emboldened those who already held bigoted views was frequently debated during his term. A new study looks more closely at prejudicial attitudes during the presidency, exploring the views of over 10,000 American citizens.
Not even water? And other things not to say to your Muslim friends during Ramadan Eda Uzunlar 4/28/2022 For about 2 billion Muslims around the world – a quarter of humanity – it's Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. There are about 3.45 million Muslims in the United States, and that number continues to climb. But if you're not Muslim, you might still not know exactly what to say (and not say) to Muslim friends, co-workers and colleagues during the month, whether they're fasting or not. Here are a few tips from Muslims across the United States collected over the course of Ramadan!
Cases of antisemitic hate reach historic levels across U.S., Illinois, new report finds Tom Schuba 4/26/2022 Cases of antisemitic hate rose to historic levels last year both in Illinois and across the country, according to an audit released Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League.
Take Action Against Climate Change With These Tools and Resources Heather Higinbotham Davies 4/21/2022 These apps and online spaces can help you manage your eco-anxiety—and take steps to tread more lightly on the planet.
A glimpse inside mental health crisis response teams as Chicago creates versions without cops Chip Mitchell 4/6/2022 This is an article on the status of the developing teams of Paramedic-Social Worker-Police Officer that will respond to some 911/Crisis Calls. I am hopeful that these pilot studies will go well and inform how we need to adjust crisis response in a way that assists the community and the Police (and all first responders).
A Tale of Two Churches: One Fasting 'Whiteness' for Lent, the Other Making up for an Unintended KKK Connection Steve Warren Share via facebook Share via twitter Share via email 4/6/2022 Two churches are pursuing racial equality and justice in very different ways. Critics say one of the churches is woke-fasting everything white. The other is taking a proactive approach to make restitution.
How to say ‘Happy Ramadan’ in Arabic: Meaning of Ramadan Mubarak and Ramadan Kareem greetings explained David Hughes 4/2/2022 After two years in which celebrations were severely hampered by Covid-19, the more social aspects of Ramadan can return this time around. This means that communities will once more get the chance to break their fast and pray together.
Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. Here's what you should know Sam Romano, CNN 3/31/2022 Today, transgender and nonbinary people around the world will recognize International Transgender Day of Visibility. With transgender visibility in the US at an all-time high in politics, media and sports, today is a day for allies and advocates to show up and show support. Here's what you should know.
CANADA INDIGENOUS MEET POPE, ASK FOR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL RECORDS PHILIP PULLELLA, REUTERS 3/28/2022 Survivors of Canada’s residential schools on Monday asked Pope Francis for unfettered access to church records on the institutions where Indigenous children were abused and their culture denied.
A new test looks at the way Muslim women are portrayed onscreen Juana Summers, Linah Mohammed, Sarah Handle - NPR 3/25/2022 There are not a lot of Muslim women in American television shows or movies. For many people in the U.S., the first Muslim woman character that comes to mind is probably Princess Jasmine from the animated Disney film, Aladdin. And that's a bit of a problem.
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Women’s Issues Section


You may be interested in this statement about the Science Behind Why Women May Not Report Sexual Assault, from APA Dr. President Jessica Henderson Daniel, September 24, 2018.

The mission of the Women’s Issues Section is to promote: (1) the professional interests of women psychologists in IPA, (2) the psychological happiness and well-being of female patients/clients through psychological services, and (3) the psychological happiness and well-being of women in the broader community. We support and empower women to own their own reflective minds, experience stable self-worth, and use their voices. We uphold the broad ranging inclusive ideals related to gender equality in the first, second, third, and fourth waves of feminism, and the lens of multicultural diversity of womanism.

Our mission is pursued through a variety of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Connecting women in the section and IPA, and identifying and addressing issues affecting them
  • Hosting presentations and discussions of broader women’s issues in the community
  • Offering continuing education activities on psychotherapy, psychological services, scholarship, and research
  • Working in liaison with other local and national women’s associations and organizations
  • Proactively advocating for women’s issues as they relate to psychology

Our mission is also pursued through our commitment to certain core values:

  • Inclusion and pluralism in clinical practice, psychotherapeutic orientation, ideas, perspectives, scholarship, training, and research (i.e., including non-reductionism, post-positivism)
  • Respectful, constructive, ethical, caring, relationships in clinical practice, psychotherapy, training, ongoing professional development, and professional collegial relations
  • Diversity and inclusion in race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity

Message from the Chair 

Women need psychologists who are in the know about issues of critical importance. Economic equality, safe workplace laws, sexual safety, reproductive rights, child rearing, childcare, work/life balance, the list can go on. 

Welcome! One of the best ways to strengthen women’s voices and helping meet their needs is through joining the Women’s Issues Section of IPA.

What will your membership afford you?

  • Interviews with psychologists, policy makers, researchers and others who will help deepen our understanding of how to best serve women.  Since women birth everyone, we are helping serve everyone.
  • Community with other psychologists curious about and caring for women.
  • A forum in which to exchange valuable information: Articles, studies, chapters, TED Talks and the like.

Who Can Join? Anyone interested in furthering the interests of women, regardless of gender/gender identity are invited to join the Women’s Issues Section. Membership in IPA is required. To join, contact: Marsha Karey, IPA Executive Director at 312-372-7610 x201 or I look forward to getting to know you, and to all that we can accomplish together.

I hope you will join us!

Be well!



Mom’s Hierarchy of Needs by Leslie Forde

Why Join?

Professional Development and Leadership Training: Complimentary Opportunities in APAGS and State Associations

One of the most valuable experiences a graduate student can acquire as an emerging professional is a sense of connection and belonging. While APGAGS provides students with the necessary and vital link to the larger world of psychology, State and Provincial Psychological Associations (SPPAs) can offer opportunities for more individualized and focused professional embellishment within a smaller community of psychologists. Membership in both associations optimizes leadership development through complimentary objectives. In fact, joint membership may be key in a student’s evolving sense of professional identity. Finding a comfortable home within SPPAs bridges the gap between the individual and the global professional affiliation that students gain through APAGS. I would like to highlight some barriers and benefits students may encounter in SPPAs that impact professional development. Hopefully this will prompt students to think about how career progression incorporates both SPPA and APAGS involvement.

SPPAs are fundamental to a psychologist’s professional and student participation in state activities builds longstanding, collaborative and rewarding alliances. In talking with and surveying students, I learned that the level of student involvement in SPPAs is dichotomously split between complete uninvolvement and extensive involvement. Reasons provided for uninvolvement include: a lack of student-specific opportunities, marginal inclusion, lacking knowledge about the advantages and need to link with the SPPAs, feeling unwelcome, feeling ambivalent about how receptive SPPAs will be to student ideas and requests, and perceiving that the SPPA is not invested in being helpful or open to students. Conversely, reasons offered for high levels of involvement include: feeling warmly welcomed and valued as a member, being treated respectfully as a colleague, availability of mentoring programs, providing legislative fellowships for students, including a student/new professionals track of programming at committees. Thus, the involved versus uninvolved distinctions seem to be traceable to SPPAs that give students a voice and those that do not. Learning how to effectively promote a constituency voice is one rudimentary step toward professional and leadership skill development.

Students who are visible and participatory in SPPA functions are demonstrating interest in having their professional growth supported and in offering important student perspectives. In return, they are usually highly regarded and their involvement is encouraged and nurtured. This interdependent pattern of activity constitutes professional development within the context of SPPAs. I have formulated some fundamental premises about successful professional development, admittedly based on my beliefs and values. I offer this conceptualization, which infers an on-going and every-changing progression:

WHO is it for? Professional development is a continuous process for both novice and accomplished psychologists.

WHAT is it? Professional development has two crucial pieces. First, it is the process by which we are socialized into the culture of psychology. As with any culture, there are unique group characteristics that include formal and informal rules, rituals, expected behaviors, a common or unified purpose, and shared values beliefs and goals. Second, it is any activity that presents the opportunity to refine or expand present skills.

WHERE does it occur? Professional development can take place in a variety of contexts and settings. But some environments such as SPPAs and APAGS, provide greater accessibility to the types of experiences that foster professional growth.

WHEN does it happen? It happens when we are interacting with others, when we have the opportunity to discuss our ideas, to learn more about the musings of others, and to contemplate the meanings and effects of what we do and how well we do it.

WHY is it important? Personally, this answer is simple. If we stop believing that we have something more to learn or understand, we become stagnant and ineffective.

HOW do we do it? For students, we begin to develop professionally as we build our confidence. In order to build our confidence, it is helpful to practice behaving "as if" professional status has already been attained, but in a supervised setting. After all, this is the philosophy of practicum and internship experiences. This principle can also apply to the guided practice opportunities students receive in SPPAs.

There are several activities, or guided practice opportunities, that can benefit students and SPPAs. Some of these activities and opportunities can be jointly organized. These may include membership drives, SPPA and university co-sponsored workshops, convention volunteering in exchange for free admission, permitting students to chair and present convention programs, including student representation on SPPA subcommittees, sponsoring employment and networking fairs, writing for newsletters, assisting with research, spearheading or assisting with legislative advocacy efforts, attending board meetings, retreats and socials, and providing recognition through awards and scholarships. This list of suggestions is certainly not comprehensive, but it can be used as a launching point for conversations between students and SPPAs.

Students in SPPAs can profit from the learned wisdom of senior members and create tailored experiences to address specific professional development needs. APAGS is a strong, unique and influential force in psychology, and students enjoy innumerable membership benefits. This far-reaching impact is crucial and necessary. At the same time, SPPA membership compliments what APAGS offers by fostering a sense of local community and serving as a training ground for future leaders in psychology.

This article first appeared in the Summer 2000 Edition of the APAGS Newsletter, Vol, 12 (2)